Fa la la la what?!?!

July is almost over which means it is that much closer to December.

Ahhhhhhh cold weather, hot chocolate and walking on eggshells because apparently Santa is watching is the time of year that people either love or dread. Now why is it that people actually forget what Christmas is all about? Are we ashamed or are we just that wrapped up into beating that sister-in-law who gives somewhat the most perfect gift every year?

Well if it’s of any consolation to you, sometimes I forget myself but it is only then that I realize how grateful I am to celebrate another year with my family while giving all praises to God♡

I assume that it’s only me who has noticed this, but we celebrate Thanksgiving the day before going crazy mad and beating people bonkers over things we said we basically didn’t need because we were so happy to have the things we already had. Black Friday should also be known as the “I take back everything I said to Aunty Faye and Uncle James around the Thanksgiving dinner table last night after winning my bet on the game” day because we just spent the whole night before faking our way through pretending to be the family’s perfect angel while the next day we act like a demented soul.

Well whether it’s a money tactic or just plain ol’ tradition, why is it this way? Why can’t we celebrate in a more non cannibalistic/zombie invasion type of way?

I mean after all, who has time to be a hypocrite anyways? I figured by now we would be burnt out living a double life.  I mean come on, who really looks forward to playing the same “Thankful Patty/Daddy I want it and I want it now Veruca Salt” role year after year?  If I do that then I should at least consider getting some type of compensation! I’ve played that role for the past 12 years and still haven’t received an Oscar nomination. I play those roles way too good to not be recognized! Come on!  Something’s gotta give♢

How much is too much?

So the debate is starting to flair up again about makeup and how much is too much?  Now whether this is in terms of $ or the amount of makeup in which you possess is totally up to you BUT still I am curious.

Sephora, Ulta, Mac and other makeup counters are usually high end and expensive but well worth it for the quality. You only see makeup gurus on YouTube doing lavish hauls and so forth but what about those of us who actually have to work? I’m not able to go and spend $500.00 on makeup and then do a review on if I like it or not so what do we do when we find ourselves in a crunch? I usually watch youtube vids and live a portion of my life on screen for about 8 minutes. But how do you all feel? This question may not fit everyone but I’m curious to know for sure what it is that you do?♡♡


This is the week that my family and I have our annual family vacation to the beach! This summer, two important guests are traveling along with me: my boyfriend and my Vera Bradley grand traveler bag in the pattern baroque.

Vera Bradley is one of my all time favorites and I must purchase something each time I visit their store at the outlet mall. The patterns are young and lively and it actually helps to keep me focused believe it or not. I have a couple of items from the store and of course they are all in different patterns but who cares!!!

I’ve already started packing for the trip and I see that I have a ton of room! LITERALLY this bag can carry half of my closet! However, since I am going to be away for just 3 days and 2 nights, how much room is TOO MUCH room?

I tend to try to feel every cubic inch of space up because that is how my mind works for some odd reason. But since this is a small beach trip, I don’t need to pack for a 90 day excursion around the world.

This is just my preference and my personal opinion. I love this bag more than anything I’ve ever owned especially those big bulky suit cases! This delicate product of mine will definitely be taken care of. If you have the same bag as me, tell me your thoughts on it♡♡♡